Get Private Student Debt Consolidation And Benefit From a Lighter Budget

Monday, December 10, 2007

Get Private Student Debt Consolidation And Benefit From a Lighter Budget

By Sarah Dinkins

For certain complex careers private student debt accumulates fast and debt consolidation can be a suitable solution. If you want to know what are the benefits of consolidating private student debt read on and learn how to reduce your debt payments to ease your budget.

Combining All Debt Into a Single loan and Payment

By consolidating your private student debt you can obtain a single student debt consolidation loan and thus a unique bill to worry about each month. This provides additional benefits like less chances of forgetting and missing a payment or paying late with the consequently risk reduction for your credit score and history. All your private student debt can be exchanged for a single loan and sometimes non-private student debt can be added too when the rate or terms are not more advantageous than those of the new private student consolidation loan.

Saving a Lot of Money Through Interest Rate Reductions

When consolidating your private student debt, you will get a single loan in exchange for all your student debt and this unique loan will most probably charge a lower interest rate than the average rate of all your previous debt. This implies that you will save thousands of dollars throughout the repayment of your private student debt consolidation loan. Each point reduction on a private student debt consolidation loan with a repayment program of 20 years implies savings of around $2,000 every $10,000 of loan principal.

Regaining The Ability to Postpone Payment

Many student loans let you defer the repayment till after graduation and they also provide grace periods for you to use when due to unexpected circumstances you can not afford the monthly payments on your loans. However, once you have used these options, you cannot use them again at will and there are certain loans that do not offer you this possibility either.
But, through private student debt consolidation, you can regain the ability to postpone the payment as the new consolidation loan provides the ability to request the deferment or forbearance of the loan. Moreover, you can request the repayment of the new consolidation loan to start up to 24 months after approval.

Obtain Tax Benefits and Simplify Deductions

Not all private loans are designed in such a way that you can deduct the interests from taxes. When you consolidate all your student debt you can make sure that the new private student debt consolidation loan provides you with the benefit of deducting the interests from taxes. Moreover, even if you could deduct interests from your previous debt, by consolidating you will simplify those deductions as there will be only a single loan to include in your tax statements.

As you can see, private student debt consolidation provides many advantages that make such a process an interesting financial product. Even if you do not feel the urge to consolidate your student debt because you can afford the payments, analyze whether you can benefit from private student debt consolidation because the process can be completed at little to no costs.


Sarah Dinkins is an Expert Loan Consultant at where you can learn more on financial subjects through her original articles.

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